In general, merino garments need less washing than cotton and synthetic fibers. Merino fibers have a natural protective layer that helps stains from being absorbed. Any dirt of stains will stay on the surface, which makes it easier to brush off or lift out.
Also, merino wool contains lanolin, which has antibacterial properties, resulting in reduced human body odor. This means that the garments can be worn for a considerable amount of time before it eventually needs washing. After a day of use, we recommend that you simply ‘shake’ the garment a bit, hang them to dry and they are good to go for the next day too!
Now, the garments will need washing at some point too! Here are some tips & tricks on how to best take care of your Woolami garment to make it last as long as possible!
You can either hand wash them or wash them in the machine. If you wash them in machine, wash them at maximum 40°C and on ‘gentle’ cycle. Some machines even have a ‘Special Wool’ program. We also recommend that you only use detergent recommended for wool. No need for fabric softener. No need for soaking.
Vous pouvez soit les laver à la main ou les laver en machine. Si vous les lavez en machine, alors lavez-les au maximum 40°C et sur cycle ‘douce’. Certaines machines ont même un programme spécial pour la laine. Nous recommandons également que vous utilisez un détergent recommandé pour la laine. Pas besoin d’adoucissant. Pas besoin de tremper.
Here are some tips in case you have a difficult stain that you want to get out. When treating stain, it is important to ensure they are fully removed before ironing. The heat from ironing can make a stain permanent.
Alcoholic drinks
Dab gently with an absorbent, lint free cloth to remove as much excess liquid as possible. Sponge the area sparingly with a mixture of warm water and surgical spirit in equal parts.
Mix rubbing alcohol and white vinegar in equal parts, soak a lint free cloth in the solution and lightly dab the stained area before pressing gently with an absorbent cloth.
Remove excess blood immediately with a damp sponge, then gently dab the area using undiluted white vinegar followed by cold water.
If a greasy mark forms, firstly scrape the surface of the stain with a spoon or knife to remove any excess oil. Then soak a lint free cloth in proprietary grease remover or white spirit and gently dab the area.
Dab gently around the edge of the stain with a cloth soaked in white spirit before following instructions for black coffee
Dab gently with a lint free cloth soaked in white
spirit. Repeat the action with a cloth soaked in diluted white vinegar.
Fruit/Fruit Juice/Red Wine
Immediately dab the stain with a mixture of surgical spirit or rubbing alcohol and water (3:1ratio).
Apply soap very carefully (using a mild tablet soap or flakes) or dab gently with a lint free cloth soaked in surgical spirit or rubbing alcohol.
Ink/Ballpoint Pen
Dab gently with a lint free cloth soaked in white spirit. Repeat the action with a cloth soaked in diluted white vinegar or surgical spirit or rubbing alcohol.
Lipstick/Make up
Rub gently with a lint free cloth soaked in turpentine or spot cleaning spray or fluid. Rinse with mild soapy water.
Rinse in cold water, then add diluted white vinegar solution, then rinse thoroughly in cold water.